Running a design business can be an emotional roller coaster. These tools help me navigate potential roadblocks.

End of Year Business Review

I used to end every year feeling overwhelmed and not really knowing what I actually accomplished. I was tired of not allowing myself time to absorb and celebrate all the growth that happened, even if it didn’t totally feel like it. Every year I find a day or two to check into a hotel, go through a series of questions and really reflect on what the year meant to me, and what I want to get out of the following year. I like how this version guides me through the Practical and Emotional pieces, but also pairs with a Revenue Tracker to set clear financial goals. The best part is that I save them and it's fun to look back at my progress from years past.

  • Photo by Whitney Dianne for Studio Plumb

Investment Guide

I use my Investment Guide as a lead magnet since it’s on my website as a download. This allows me to get a potential client's email address, and give them some pricing information right away. I’ve found that providing this information as the initial contact with a potential client allows them to get familiar with my services on their own time so they're better prepared during our Discovery Call.

  • Photo by Whitney Dianne for Studio Plumb

Client Discovery Workflow

Before I started using this process I struggled with vetting clients because I was always asking each of them different questions. This helps me get to know each of the clients on an equal basis so I have as much information as possible before heading into the next phase of the design process.

  • Photo by Whitney Dianne for Studio Plumb